103 // Alien: Blackout - The Perfect Organism Review


Join hosts Jaime and Patrick on this extended look at Alien: Blackout, the brand-new Amanda Ripley-centric mobile game! Patrick's been playing it for nearly two weeks, and offers some extensive thoughts on the design, gameplay, replayability, and more.

For an even deeper review, check out our blog post!

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

102 // Interview with Johnnie Christmas (William Gibson's Alien 3)

In this episode—a brief break from our ongoing 40 Miles of Bad Road series—hosts Jaime and Patrick sit down with Johnnie Christmas, the writer and artist behind the groundbreaking new Dark Horse series based on the second draft of William Gibson’s unproduced screenplay for Alien 3.

Stay tuned at the end for listener questions, and check out more from Johnnie at johnniechristmas.com!

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

101 // The Queen: Part Two (40 Miles of Bad Road Part 6)

In part two of our Alien Queen discussion, Patrick and Jaime are joined by contributors and guests, Clara (MUTHUR9000), Conar (Building Better Worlds), Shaun (Perfect Organism Video Lead), Dave (Xenomorphing), Mykal, and special guest Bryant Dillon of Fanbase Press. This diverse roundtable further dissects the role of the queen questioning if she’s useful, divisive, or profound. This was a crazy fun episode with a surprise discussion at the end. We hope you enjoy it.

44 // The Dead Space Between The Stars: Discussing Niander Wallace

Jaime, Patrick and Dan are joined by special guests Peter from the MidWest, and Iain Souter, admin and founder of Blade Runner - Worldwide Fans Group and Blade Runner 2049 - Worldwide Fans Group. In this fantastic episode, we all discuss in granular detail, Niander Wallace as played by Jared Leto. Is Niander a Replicant? Does he believe he’s god? We talk about that and so much more in this exclusive episode. 

97 // Roundtable: The Myth and the Magic of Aliens (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 4)

This sprawling roundtable brings the whole on-air gang together—JM, Patrick, Clara, Shaun, Mike, and Conar—for a wide-ranging discussion on what Aliens means to fandom, to ourselves, to science fiction as a filmic genre, to culture, and to the future. Along the way, they examine how the meaning of the film has shifted through the years. 

They also perform the worst Lance Henriksen impressions you will ever hear.

Enjoy this one.

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

2020: Gethsemane Teaser Trailer

Shoulder of Orion: The Blade Runner Podcast is proud to release our first teaser for our original Blade Runner inspired fully produced audio drama. Set in between the events of Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, 2020: Gethsemane centers around the lives of three Replicants as they deal with a choice they must make that could change their lives or end them. Scheduled for a release in February, 2019, 2020:Gethsemane aims to be a worthy fan-inspired entry into the Blade Runner mythos. #BladeRunner #BladeRunner2049

42 // Anywhere a Good Boy Might Go? Luv: Part 2

In this episode—part two of a series on Luv—Jaime sits down for discussion with guests Ricardo Silvestre and Iain Souter. From Luv being God’s angel of death, to whether or not she’s fragile, Iain, Ricardo, and Jaime spend an hour and a half diving into this incredible character.

iTunes: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/shoulderoforiongoogleplay

95 // Who's Snow White? The Miracle of Ellen Ripley (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 3)

In part three of our 40 Miles of Bad Road series, Patrick and Jaime discuss the importance of Ripley as a character within the science fiction genre, and why a character like her may never be seen again. The hosts go on to discuss Ripley being a woman in a man’s world and how that extends into fandom, along with a plethora of other issues. This was a fun one!

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

41 // The Cyberpunk Nexus: An Interview with Author and Editor Lou Tambone

In this episode, Patrick, Dan, and Jaime sit down to speak with author Lou Tambone to discuss his latest collaborative book, The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring The Blade Runner Universe.

iTunes: bit.ly/shoulderoforionitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/shoulderoforiongoogleplay

94 // Nuke the Site From Orbit: Finding James Cameron (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 2)

Our series on Aliens continues with an in-depth look at the life and career of James Cameron. Who was Cameron when he made this seminal film? Where did he come from? Why was he uniquely well suited to make that particular movie at that particular time?

Hosts Jaime and Patrick explore these questions and many more as we continue down 40 Miles of Bad Road.

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay