40 miles of bad road

107 // Every Meal a Banquet: The Triumph of Aliens (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 9)


At last, we've reached a stopping point on our journey down 40 Miles of Bad Road. But don't worry! We'll be revisiting the series from time to time in the years to come.

As we sit here and reflect on the road we've traveled—the stories we've heard, the reflections we've shared, the people we've met along the way—we thought it would be a nice moment to open the conversation up a bit. 

On this enormous roundtable, Jaime and Patrick are joined by regulars Mykal McCulloch, Clara Fei-Fei (MUTHUR9000; yutani.blog), Dave Gogel (xenomorphing.com), and Conar Murdoch, as well as some new voices: Sean Sumner (part of our Building Better Worlds team) and Dusty Tweedhope (longtime listener and friend of the show).

This show covers the full gamut of what we hope to achieve with this roundtable format: hilarity, genuine introspection, fellowship, ribald banter, and so much more. We celebrate the past and look to the future, and we have a wonderful time along the way.

Thank you all for traveling this road with us. Our Forbidden Planet series is just around the corner!

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

97 // Roundtable: The Myth and the Magic of Aliens (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 4)

This sprawling roundtable brings the whole on-air gang together—JM, Patrick, Clara, Shaun, Mike, and Conar—for a wide-ranging discussion on what Aliens means to fandom, to ourselves, to science fiction as a filmic genre, to culture, and to the future. Along the way, they examine how the meaning of the film has shifted through the years. 

They also perform the worst Lance Henriksen impressions you will ever hear.

Enjoy this one.

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

95 // Who's Snow White? The Miracle of Ellen Ripley (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 3)

In part three of our 40 Miles of Bad Road series, Patrick and Jaime discuss the importance of Ripley as a character within the science fiction genre, and why a character like her may never be seen again. The hosts go on to discuss Ripley being a woman in a man’s world and how that extends into fandom, along with a plethora of other issues. This was a fun one!

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

94 // Nuke the Site From Orbit: Finding James Cameron (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 2)

Our series on Aliens continues with an in-depth look at the life and career of James Cameron. Who was Cameron when he made this seminal film? Where did he come from? Why was he uniquely well suited to make that particular movie at that particular time?

Hosts Jaime and Patrick explore these questions and many more as we continue down 40 Miles of Bad Road.

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay

93 // Where Do You Go After Alien? (40 Miles of Bad Road: Part 1)

In this first of a series, Patrick and JM sit down to discuss where the Alien series could possibly go after the surprise success that was Ridley Scott's first entry into the franchise, Alien. Join us for an enjoyable reset of Perfect Organism: The Alien Saga Podcast as we embark on a ten-part (or more) series investigating Aliens, a film that's become the litmus test for every science fiction film since its release in 1986.

iTunes: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes // Google Play: bit.ly/perfectorganismgoogleplay