ALIEN: The Tides of Night - A Full-Length Audio Drama

ALIEN- The Tides of Night Final Poster.jpg

ALIEN: The Tides of Night


A Full-Length Audio Drama

From Perfect Organism: The Alien Saga Podcast


Produced and released by Perfect Organism: The Alien Saga Podcast


David Crook - Stevie J Douglas 

Takumi - Stephen Anthony Grey

The Captain - Bradford Eckhart


Supporting Roles

Ying - Micah Green

The Priest - Jaime Prater


Background Cast

Ryan Zeid Majid

Perry Chicos



Stevie’s Vocal Recording

Steven Youngson


Written by Conar Murdoch

Original short story edited by Daniel Berger


Adapted by Jaime Prater

Edited by Jaime Prater

Sound Design Jaime Prater & Conar Murdoch


Original Score Patrick Greene


Special Thanks

Jason Romeo Ledger

Alexander House

Daniele Ferlito

