222 // The Biology Of Fear (With Lali DeRosier and Alex White)

Welcome to Xeno Bio 101! When Alex White (author of two of the best-received Alien novels in history) mentioned on their previous PO appearance that they had an amazing science advisor named Lali DeRosier—a science teacher, like our very own Andie GeekGirl!—we knew we had to have her on the show. And to top it off, Alex even agreed to come back on as well!

In this wonderful, educational episode, Lali and Andie take us to science class. How could these creatures grow so quickly? What does "biomechanical" even mean? What the hell is the thing called that the Queen drops eggs from (hint: it's not an ovipositor)?

Join Patrick, Christian, Andie, Lali, and Alex as they discuss these ideas and SO much more!

Lali has a podcast of her own called Curly Hair Mafia—a great place to start would be this episode discussing Prometheus! https://curlyhairmafia.com/2012/06/10/prometheus/

You can also find her on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/adverbia.bsky.social and on whatever Twitter is currently called @_adverbia.

More on Alex (and their socials) can be found at http://www.alexrwhite.com/. Please read their books, you won't regret it.

// Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/perfectorganismitunes

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