226 // Return to the Forbidden Planet: The Legacy of Alien | Part One

As we await the promotional engine to begin revving up for Alien Romulus, a listener and friend of the show, Adam Ezekiel of Nostromo Crew reached out to us with an episode pitch. Adam's idea was to explore Dan O'Bannon & Ridley Scott’s ALIEN by discussing what made it such a watershed moment in cinema history. 

From Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey to 1951's The Day the Earth Stood Still, Christian, Patrick, Jaime and Adam jump into an immersion of sights, sounds and horror that is singular to Alien. Join us. 

To explore more from Adam Ezekiel's costume replica line, be sure to go to nostromocrew.com and check out his work. The only other place you will see work this expertly crafted is in 1979's ALIEN.